What is a soulmate?
I started giving serious reflection on this question during my senior year in the Seminary. (Strange, huh?) Actually I have been toying with the idea of the existence of a soulmate long before I entered the seminary. Casually, though.
My definition of a soulmate is very personal. My soulmate is a woman intended by God to journey with me in this life … we, as His co-creators. She is the complete opposite of the not-so-good part of my self. The perfection of me.
I shared my thought of a soulmate with my brothers in the seminary and all but Socrates Paclibar dismissed the idea.
When I got out of the seminary, the quest to find her began. I knew soulmate exists. I’ve seen it in my lifetime. My parents found each other. Same with my grandparents, and my great grandparents, too.
What you believe is what you get.
I found my soulmate.
Life is so beautiful. My wife and I have started an awe-inspiring family and have since been creating a lot of wonderful memories.
I love my wife so dearly. I often get teary-eyed every time I think of the great love and goodness she brought into my life and our family. We share beautiful and wonderful things many couples just dream about. Married life is a great blessing, indeed, when shared with your soulmate.
How did I find her?
I just believed. I prayed for her.
Then every circumstance, every road and every moment brought us closer together.
There is, of course, my belief on the existence of a loving God Who devised every conceivable plans and circumstances for me to meet my soulmate. I am glad, grateful and happy I found her. I was reminded of these beliefs when I heard the song of Alan Jackson entitled:
“Once in a lifetime love.”
by Alan Jackson
Some people have it. Some people don’t. Some people never will.
Sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve got it. Sometimes it’s perfectly clear.
Well, I know it’s out there. I’ve seen it happen. I know the way it should feel.
Cause there’s no mistakin’ that good kind of achin’ of a once in a lifetime love.
Once in a lifetime love, a love like we’ve all dreamed of.
It may go disguised or right before your eyes… a once in a lifetime love.
So if you think you’ve got it, if you feel it inside you, don’t let it slip away.
Cause you may not ever find what you never thought you’d have anyway.
And if you’ve always had it and just realized, you know how lucky you are
To wake up beside what some never find … a once in a lifetime love. (Refrain)

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